Thursday, April 26, 2012

Gnawing the bones of thoughts past...

I suppose it is entirely possible that as several of my friends suggested, I should have started composing and sharing my thoughts sooner. I just couldn't fathom that my personal ruminations would be in any way interesting to others and I was under the misguided impression that blogging was primarily for others - perhaps to inform or occassionally to entertain them.

That said, I have now come to believe that perhaps my writings will be of interest to me at some point as it becomes increasingly more likely that once I think about a thing for a while, gnaw it over, so to speak, I then allow those subjects and thoughts, however interesting or entertaining they might have been for that moment, to slip away and never to be brought to mind again.

I find that today I am in the mood, and of a mind, to bury some of those tasty thoughts like my dog does  well loved and well seasoned bones so that at a later date I can unearth them, whether inadvertantly or by design, and once again enjoy the flavor of mulling them over.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you decided to blog...for yourself, me, your family:) Mull over some of your exploits and post pictures from your travels if you find yourself with a spare second. I tried to subscribe. We'll see how that works out.
